Preparing for Lent and Easter

I have been tossing ideas around my head about how we can improve our Paschal Triduum liturgies since last year's were actually happening.  But we have been pitched a curve ball in that we have lost our organists for Maundy Thursday and the Easter Vigil.  So, much more thought will be required.

Our parish planning meeting for Lent and Easter took place in January.  Last year, we introduced sung Evening Prayer for the Sundays of Lent up to Easter Sunday, which completed the Triduum.  This year, we will continue with this through the Easter Season until pentecost, so I will have the composing of Antiphons and the production of booklets to add to my list.

Easter is very late this year, only five days shy of being as late as it can be.  Therefore, since we are obliged not to start the Easter Vigil until the hours of darkness, I fear that our numers will be down.  I find this a shame; it is THE most important celebration of the Christian calendar, but it hasn't permeated the mindset of some.  Bizarrely - to my mind - the best-attended of the three is Good Friday; it seems to me strange to celebrate the crucifixion but not the first Mass of the Resurrection.  The drama of Holy Week, especially the Paschal Triduum, is so intense and powerful if we allow ourselves to enter into it.


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