How we can receive more from the Mass – 26 (Bread of the Presence)
We have already considered the connection of both the Passover and the Manna from heaven with the Last Supper and the Eucharist. Let’s look at one more Old Testament connection.
While the Jews were in the desert searching for the promised land, their worship centred on a sanctuary called the Tabernacle - a tent that served as a portable temple.
In the Tabernacle were three key symbols: the Ark of the Covenant that contained the Commandments given by God; a golden lampstand with seven branches, each lit, called an Menorah; and a golden table on which was placed the Bread of the Presence or ‘lehem ha pannim’ in Hebrew. (Exodus 25)
Incidentally, Christians can see in these three symbols a representation of the Triune God: the Ark of the invisible God, the tongues of flame and the Bread of the Presence.
There were 12 cakes of this bread on the table, representing the twelve tribes of Israel, and these were offered by the priests on each Sabbath day; so, the bread was a kind of Sabbath sacrifice. This bread was “offered as a memorial […and…] the Israelites will provide them as a permanent covenant.” (Lev 24:7,8)
The Menorah was placed alongside the Bread of the Presence and was permanently lit; the Sanctuary Lamp, which we have still today, is derived from this.
By the time of Jesus, there was a Passover custom. The priests would take the golden table, on which was placed the Bread of the Presence, out of The Holy Place in the Temple. They would lift it up, showing it to the people, and say, “Behold God’s love for you” – just as our priests today hold up the bread of the Real Presence saying, “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world.”
So…Paschal Lamb, Manna from heaven, Bread of the Presence…is it any wonder that Christians have believed from earliest times that the Eucharist is far more than a mere symbol! It is truly Jesus, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, God present with us here and now.
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