How we can receive more from the Mass - 16 (Creed - the Church is holy)

“I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.” 

The Church is holy because God is holy, and because the Church is the Body of Christ with Jesus as the head.  And the Church and her sacraments help to make us holy. 

This does not mean that all members of the Church are sin free – we are, all of us, sinners.  But there is a universal call to holiness; we are called to strive for sainthood, to be like God.  That is what we were created to be, and God took human flesh in Jesus that we might, like him, be holy. "The Son of God became man so that man might become God." (St Athanasius)

Holiness does not diminish us, it enhances us.  There can a temptation to see holiness as negative, as merely being the absence of sin, maybe a bit worthy or dull.  But Jesus said that he came that we may have life, and have it abundantly (Jn 10:10).  When you meet a truly holy person there is a transparent radiance of joy, of goodness, and a resilience that enables them to face all that the world throws at them.  

But we do not grow in holiness by chance.  It comes through being open to and cooperating with the grace of God.  We cooperate with God’s grace through our day-to-day living of the Christian life, through prayer, through reflection, through reading the Scriptures, through celebrating Holy Mass, and receiving the sacraments.  Holiness comes through being orientated towards God in everything that we think, everything that we do, and everything that we say.  Our lives are to be an ongoing conversion to holiness.

But how hard it can be to start those good habits!

When we strive towards holiness in our day-to-day living then our celebration of Holy Mass makes more sense and becomes more complete.  It truly becomes the source and summit of our lives.

People came to Jesus, and through him to the Father, because they responded to his evident holiness.  Do the people that we meet in our lives see that holiness in us also?


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