How we can receive more from the Mass - 10 (New Lectionary)

Have you ever been to the supermarket and spent time looking for something, only to realise that what you are looking for has now been moved to a different aisle?  You may be be at least a little frustrated and wonder to yourself, “Why change?  Everything was fine as it was!”  It’s even more frustrating to know that the reason that things were changed was most likely not for your benefit, but to bring other produce to our attention and, therefore, to increase their profits.

In the Church, most of us have experienced at least one change in the celebration of Holy Mass.  The most recent was the New Translation of the Missal, when we were suddenly confronted with different wordings for the Gloria, Creed, Eucharistic Prayers, etc.  And, in December, we will have another change, with the introduction of the New Lectionary.  Some familiar phrases from the Gospels, Psalms and other books of the Bible may, overnight, sound a little different.  And we may be tempted to wonder to ourselves, “Why change?  Everything was fine as it was!”    

The familiar can bring a feeling of security – we are comfortable with what we know.  Maybe a little too comfortable.  In fact, reading a passage from the Bible from two or more different translations is a good practice in our prayer life and can shed new light on its meaning. 

The truth is, no single English translation of the Bible could ever be fully successful in conveying the truths held within.  But we do know that Biblical scholars tell us that the translations that we have been using for over 50 years are no longer the best available to us.  And that’s why the change is being made; why the introduction of a New Lectionary is a good thing.


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