How we can receive more from the Mass - 2 (silences)

Have you noticed how we live in a world where there is so much stimulation of our senses – especially sound – that we barely even notice it?

Until it’s not there. 

Then, when things are suddenly quiet, we can feel…vulnerable, empty, alone.  We may quickly try to fill the void, by switching on the TV, radio or some music.  We may make a phone call, or go to our never ending ‘to do’ list.  Something, anything, to break the solitude.

And yet Our Lord Jesus actively sought that solitude.  After his baptism, he went to the desert for 40 days.  After a long, busy day teaching the crowds and healing the sick, he would take himself to a lonely place.  Why?  Because in that silence and solitude, he could commune with God; be at one with the Father.

In our busy lives, we need to be unafraid to actively seek out that quiet solitude so that we, too, can sense that still, small voice of calm – the presence of God; the God who comforts us and nourishes us.  When we take our seats in church, we are given the opportunity to step away from the frenetic activity of the world.  Rather than checking the newsletter or looking around to see what's happening, we can spend some moments in silence, making ourselves aware of the presence of the Eternal.

During the Mass, there are many small silences, but also two great silences.  After the homily, we prayerfully reflect on the Word of God and its message for us.  And after receiving Communion, we gratefully reflect on the gift of His Body and Blood.

Let us not be afraid of those silences, but embrace them as sacred times through which we grow closer to the God who loves us.


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