The Season of Lent
In Lent, there are echoes from significant past events. One of those is the Jewish people being led through the wilderness towards the land that God had promised them. Despite some hiccups, they trusted God and allowed him to lead them. Their journey was not just a trek with a destination, but a pilgrimage – a journey of transformation; they were being made fit for the Promised Land. Any pilgrimage that does not lead to a transformation of the person making it is, in the end, no more than a long walk. And Lent is very much a pilgrimage. In his recent Message for Lent 2025 , Pope Francis asks us to reflect, “ Am I really on a journey, or am I standing still, not moving, either immobilized by fear and hopelessness or reluctant to move out of my comfort zone? Am I seeking ways to leave behind the occasions of sin and situations that degrade my dignity? ” Pope Francis also reminds us that we do not make this pilgrimage alone, but in fellowship, as di...