
How we can receive more from the Mass – 22

Just a few years ago, a study in the USA revealed that about 75% percent of American Catholics believed that the Eucharist is merely a symbol.   That’s really quite shocking.   And would it be much different in the UK? The Church, from its very beginning, has taught that Jesus is really, truly and substantially present in the Eucharist.   So why is it that so many Catholics seem not to have taken this to their heart? We are not the first generation to find this to be a difficult teaching.   When Jesus told the people, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.   Whoever eats this bread will live forever.   This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” (Jn 6:51) the crowd reacted with confusion, horror and anger.   “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” (6:52)   To his Jewish listeners, especially, the idea of drinking ANY blood, let alone the blood of a human, was abhorrent and struck at the heart of t...

How we can receive more from the Mass – 21 (Daily self-offering)

“Show me your calendar, and I will tell you your priorities.” A few days ago, I watched a YouTube video featuring Bishop Robert Baron, where he used this phrase.   And there is clearly truth in those words.   We spend our time, we offer up our time to things that, for whatever reason, are important to us.   For example, I remember offering up a great deal of my time taking my children to their various evening and weekend activities.   I say ‘offering up’ because, frankly, if I were to have made a selfish choice about what to do with my days, they would not have been spent watching endless lengths of swimming or standing in the freezing wind and rain watching a rugby or football match.   But enriching our children’s lives is very important and so I offered up that time, and did so joyfully.   But what else is important to us? In our reflections on the Holy Mass, we have noted the importance of our full, conscious and active participation in the litur...

How we can receive more from the Mass - 20 (Offertory/Self-sacrifice)

In a recent homily, our parish priest explained why he allows the collection to proceed before he prepares the altar, and then stands as the collection is taken to the sanctuary.   These are his gestures of respect to our own self-giving to God, made through the daily sacrifices we embrace to live in the light of the Gospel, and symbolised in our offerings.   As we reflected last time, true sacrifice is humbly submitting ourselves to God.   Our offering at the collection is necessary for the practical needs of our parish, but its significance is so much more.   It is a symbol of our life, our work, our labours.   And, in recognition that all comes from God, we offer our life and our labours to God in humble sacrifice.   Our financial offering is, in a very real way, an offering of ourselves.   And this is part of the priestly role that, as baptised Christians, we share with Jesus the Christ. “Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and your...

How we can receive more from the Mass - 19 (Offertory/self-sacrifice)

I suspect that the Offertory deserves and requires much more of our attention. Too often, we can be focussed on singing a hymn.   Or we allow our mind to wander before the ‘important bits’ start.   But we cannot begin to truly understand the Mass without an understanding of offering and sacrifice, and we really need to give our undivided attention to what is happening here.   Maybe, part of the problem is our understanding of the word sacrifice .   In modern usage it has a negative feel, as in giving up something valuable.   It can hold connotations of the brutal, barbaric human sacrifices made by the Incas and other ancient cultures.   Or perhaps the catechesis that we received as children wrongly suggested that the death of Jesus was to appease a God who demands bloody retribution for our sins. But true sacrifice stems from a deep acknowledgement that everything that we are, and everything that we have, comes from our Eternal God.   And the...

How we can receive more from the Mass - 18 (Universal Prayer/Prayer of the Faithful)

If we stop to think about it, there is a wonderful, organic flow to the celebration of Holy Mass that is in harmony with the needs of our fallen human nature. We gather in song, a sign and celebration of our unity as members of the Church.   We then acknowledge to ourselves, to each other and to God, our failings and our need of him.   Then, liberated by his loving mercy, we may truly and joyously sing his praise in the Gloria.   Having done so, we are more able to open our ears, our minds and our hearts to listen to and absorb, to assimilate his life-giving Word to us; that his Word may written on our hearts, and not remain mere external instruction.   And, fed and nourished by his Word, we can confidently state our shared faith in the words of the Creed. Then, having expressed our baptismal faith, we exercise our baptismal priesthood – yes, all the baptised share in Christ’s priestly ministry – by offering up to God our intentions and petitions for the Church a...